Economic and legal studies on enterprises, markets, and new technologies

The research activity of this group revolves around three main disciplines – legal studies, economics and management – and yet presenting several areas of contact and one main core theme, i.e. that the regulation of services, enterprises and production depends, in terms of efficiency, on the institutional context in which they operate. Therefore, the topic of functioning of “institutions” and changes required to increase the level of efficiency and growth conditions are a common reference for all lines of research in this the group.

  • The impact of regulation and competition policy
    Regulation and competition policies are fundamental to promote development and efficiency in the infrastructure and network sectors, key drivers for economic growth. Research in this area aims to define criteria and methodologies for the valuation of policy interventions meant to ensuring efficient provision of services and adequate investments in infrastructure and innovation.
  • Investment, corporate financing and corporate governance
    The research object is to investigate how to remove the constraints to firm growth. In this context, special attention is paid to the regulation on restructuring and financial distress, to new models of corporate governance to raise finance (for both closely-held and widely-held corporations) and to improve monitoring, , to incentive compensation schemes for managers, to financial innovations and incentives to the creation of new enterprises (start-up).  
  • Law and technological development
    The development of new technologies and its consequent economic and social impact require an analysis on the consistency between such innovative policies and the existing legal framework and, often, the definition of a proper regulatory context. The research in this area is intended to identify the legal implications of specific technological innovations and to suggest adequate amendments, both technical and legal, to ensure efficient compliance by operators. The research is carried out with a theoretical and empirical approach.
  • Models and metrics of corporate performance
    The target of this area is to develop models and metrics of corporate performance related with respect strategy, competition, finance and economics. Particular attention is given to the value contribution generated from the operational and financial activities and to the cause-effect relationship between management decisions and guidance of the value divers (competitive and financial risk, competitive advantage period, growth rate, taxation, operating margins), developing consistent predictive models. The application areas are related to two sectors: independent automotive spare parts and pharmaceutical sector.


Selected funded research projects

  • Regulation in Transport Infrastructure 
    Transport Infrastructure | Transport cost functions and network expansion
    Italian Transport Regulation Authority (ART)
  • Production and Cost Efficiency in Electric Distribution 
    Efficiency Frontiers | Electric Distribution
    Italian Energy Independent Regulatory Authority (AEEGSI)
  • Analisi Giuridica dei Flussi IoT per l’Ecosistema SmartDataNet 
    Big Data | Predictive analytics and data protection
    CSI Piemonte
  • Profili legali dei sistemi di mobilità intelligente
    Smart Mobility | Data protection | Big data
    5T S.r.l.
  • Analisi Independent After Market 2015-2016
    Value | Risk | Control | Performance | Strategy
  • Analisi Economico-Finanziaria e Competitivo-Strategica Distribuzione IAM 2012-2016
    Current and strategic value creation | Goodwill | Competitive advantage period | Profit growth | Mapping
    Osram - Bosch - Hella - Corteco



  • Firms and Markets
  • Regulation
  • Corporate Governance
  • Business and ICT Law
  • Metrics of corporate performance