Engineering system and logistics
Based on the experience and the knowledge about the management of industrial systems and facilities, and about the organization and the logistics in manufacturing, our group has gradually extended its competences to healthcare organization, smart city, urban logistics, project management and in general to complex systems needing a systemic and multidisciplinary approach.
Healthcare Organization
In order to increase efficiency, nowadays hospitals need to improve the quality of the offered services by optimizing their resources. In this context the research group is aimed at providing methodological and technological solutions by adapting manufacturing organizational models in order to improve efficiency (consumption reduction) and safety (risk reduction). -
Supply Chain Management
Logistics and Supply Chain Management are essential components for managing every kind of organization, as well as fundamental drivers for competitive advantage. Our research fields are focused on single nodes optimization, integrated logistics networks management and the measurement of their performance, also in innovative production systems. -
Smart City
City Logistics as a crucial domain of the Smart City issue is studied in terms of available organizational forms and technologies by means of empirical analysis also together with external partners. The feasibility and the performance of new intelligent solutions supporting the sustainable Smart City development are evaluated. Moreover, based on our background we study Smart City trends and develop associated innovative public-private partnership schemes. -
Industrial Facilities & Project Management
Research addresses human resources organization, contracts, time and cost performance management and risk management. In the field of the industrial facilities we focus on the efficient design of warehouses and manufacturing facilities as well as performance monitoring. The proposed methodologies are based on empirical studies, analysis of operational models and development of appropriate tools.
Our group carries out research together with main international institutes, and works with professors and researchers of other departments at Politecnico di Torino. We also provide private and public organizations with executive training courses. The research group is in charge of teaching in industrial plants, project management, industrial safety, and logistics and supply chain courses at undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels.
Selected funded research projects
Piattaforma Ibridi Elettrici Veicoli e reti di Distribuzione Ecosostenibile (PIE_VERDE)
City Logistics | System Dynamics
Iveco S.p.A. - FPT Industrial S.p.A. - TNT Global Express S.p.A. - Magneti Marelli S.p.A. - Centro Ricerche Fiat S.C.p.A. - Energrid S.p.A. - Università degli Studi di Torino - Istituto Superiore Mario Boella. -
Modelli organizzativi e gestionali in materia di logistica in ambito sanitario
Healthcare warehouse centralization | Technical and economic feasibility study
IRES Piemonte - Istituto di Ricerche Economico Sociali -
Nuovi modelli di business per progetti Smart City
Smart City | Private Partnerships
Cassa Depositi e Prestiti -
Mobile & Sanità Digitale
Mobile technologies supporting healthcare processes | Feasibility study
Telecom Italia -
Next Mirs – Analisi layout produttivo
Logistics simulation for the enslavement | Design of conditioning-heating and lighting systems
- Supply Chain Management
- Project Management
- Risk Management
- Industrial Facilities
- Complex Systems