Virtual product development
The main research topics are:
Functional design, GD&T
Development of a methodology for increasing the fidelty of the tolerance stack-up calculation, considering the full processes of fixturing, resistance spot welding and applying a plastic material model. Stochastic analyses for tolerances reduction: definition of a robust methodology useful to forecast the effects of uncertainties presence on component performance, uncertainty quantification and propagation to the response, stochastic FEM, starting from probability density function, pattern quantification and sensitivity analysis for close loop design. -
Reverse engineering & virtual prototyping
Intelligent strategies for the 3D acquisition of complex shapes. Application to the cultural property field for the study of the morphometric characteristic and collaborative reconstruction of the archeological finds. Morphometric analysis of the human body through the use of geometrical descriptors for diagnostic purposes. Diagnostic protocols for the utilization of 3D models in the face analysis through the automatic extraction of the facial landmarks. Application to 3D eco-scan in the prenatal diagnostic. -
Integration of design (CAD) and analysis (CAE)
Topological optimization and multi-physics aims applied on the CAD model directly taking advantage of numerical properties of NURBS (continuity, non-negative values, refinement strategies, …). -
Virtual manufacturing and design for manufacturing
FE models (structural + modal) of complex mechanical systems (engine assembly, exhaust pipeline, wheels, wings, …), development of specific tools for design targets. -
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
Tools and methodologies for the collaborative design and development of complex products. Methods for managing, formalizing and reusing the enterprise knowledge. Definition of enterprise good practices. Solutions for the definition and traceability of product requirements during the product life cycle. -
3D parametric modelling and simulations
Parametric CAD and FE models in linear and nonlinear environments of complex mechanical systems, development of specific tools for drawing, design, updating, optimization approaches. Analysis of Web3d tools and languages for the development of non-immersive virtual reality solution (WEB3D) for eLearning. Multi-physics optimization of energy scavengers used to harvest energy from operating environment of the devices in order to power wireless sensors.
Selected funded research projects
Definizione di strategie di supporto all'interoperabilità nelle piattaforme PLM in ambito aerospace
Collaborative design | Product Lifecycle Management
Alenia -
Studio di fattibilità del processo alternativo ed innovativo di estrusione con l’analisi dei costi, della produttività, delle potenze, con la progettazione di un banco prova sperimentale
Virtual product/process simulation | Geometrical evaluation
Alplast -
CyberTyre – Sviluppo di una nuova generazione di pneumatici intelligenti, dotati di sensori in grado di fornire assistenza alla guida e al controllo del veicolo
Energy harvesting | Multi-physics optimization
Pirelli -
Metamodellizzazione e riduzione delle tolleranze GD&T nel processo di produzione della ruota
Stochastic FEM | Sensitivity analysis
Magnetto -
Implementazione di strumenti CAD 3D avanzati e tecniche automatiche nella progettazione prodotto-processo di componenti per il settore automotive
Robust modelling and updating | Optimization
- GD&T functional modelling
- PLM/Collaborative design
- Virtual product/process simulation
- Energy harvesting
- Human body 3D modeling